- Digital Literacy Centre

Who are we?

What is the Digital Literacy Centre?

The Digital Literacy Centre (DLC) helps you develop a range of digital and IT skills that will help you succeed while at university and in your future career.

What does the DLC offer?

The DLC can help you with a range of digital skills, from programming, email etiquette, and from Word to enhancing your Google-Fu. We offer a range of online resources as well as regular drop in sessions throughout the week. We can also provide you with the details of other parts of the University who can help you with technical issues. You can find the resources and details of the drop in sessions on this website which we will be building up over the next few months.

Where and when will the DLC be open?

The DLC is in EC1-24 and is open to all students and staff in the College of Engineering, Environment and Sciences (CEES) during regular building opening hours. It can be used as a space for you to brainstorm and collaborate with your colleagues on IT projects and problems.

Is the DLC just for students in the College of Engineering, Environment and Science?

The DLC aims to support everybody, however priority is given to staff and students in CEES and most of the expertise is focused on skills needed by these students. Anybody can access the room while there are staff present (normally during office hours), but only staff and students in CEES have access out of these times.

How do I get help with a particular subject or get support from a particular member of staff?

If you know the member of staff you want to speak to, you can check the timetabling page to find their office hours when they will be in the DLC.

If you want help with a particular subject area (e.g. Python, Word, LaTeX, etc.) you can check the Staff Details page which lists the staff support the DLC and their skills. From there you can also use MS Bookings to book an appointment with a particular member of staff.

Things we can't help with

We'll always try to help you the best we can, however, we cannot help with everything. In particular, we cannot help you with:

  • Assessed work, though we can help you to understand the underlying concepts.
  • Personal time management — for that you need to speak with your Student Success Coach.
  • Technical issues — for that you need to speak to Digital Services.
  • Access to Aula resources — please see your module leader for that.
  • Access to or problems with, University resources — please see Digital Services for help with this.